Iris In Mono

It's great to see the Iris beginning to bloom again, caught these just as the blue buds were beginning to peak through the paper-like coverings of the spathes. Waited for the light to dim down a bit as the sunshine can sometimes add too much contrast into the picture. Using a lightbox to add some backlighting into the leaves and experimenting with a tad of diffused flash to flesh out any shadows, the main idea was to keep as much detail as possible for a monochrome conversion and allow the crinkly spathes and buds to come to the fore in black and white. I didn't see the need for any great detail in the backround and was happy to fill out the gaps with some cloud texture.

  With the upsurge here in backgarden-vegetable growing during the lockdown,i'm going to have to divide the Iris clumps and reset them in the front garden ! At the moment they' ve become hiding grounds for snails and slugs  emerging at night to wreak  havoc among the kale and pea seedlings. Despite saucers of beer, little bits of netting, even salt and eggshell deterrents and me having to make an appearance in the garden after dark to evict as many of them as possible down the lane somewhere, they're still alive and kicking especially after midnight and managing to suck the life out of another  lovely kale seedling. Have to come up with a new plan  tonight!
