Phone Photos

   Lockdown with brilliant weather last Spring and early Summer.Then ease of lockdown( of sorts!) though the weather was a bit more volatile as July and August progressed. Summer ending and restrictions returning, more restrictions through Autumn...Not the most fruitful of times for getting out into the landscape with camera and tripod! Still though, what has come into its own more for me this year, particularly during the lockdown, is the camera phone . It's usually somewhere at hand and there's a lot to see in the course of the day even within the latest 5k limits here. And instead of Photoshop for editing, there's Snapseed and it’s free, with quite an array  of bells and whistles !

Here’ s a first foray into camera phone photography from a few years ago with the iphone 6, just off the path to the cliffs in Howth. Had to scramble down a narrow track onto the rocks below the divers, then clamber around over the boulders trying different viewpoints. Did the conversion to blackandwhite in Snapseed .

Another one from Howth, taken in June this year, the lockdown still in force. An overcast sky ushering in an early nightfall, walkers on the pier catching the fading light. Edited in Snapseed and texture added in another app I occasionally use ,Distressed FX.

And then,early August,shot on iphone 11 in the Guillamenes Cove, Tramore, this summer.Such a brilliant place for a swim! And this was one of those moody forbidding afternoons for the hardy outdoor swimmer,making it more suitable for a monochrome conversion. Though I’m frequently drawn to the graphic qualities of blackandwhite photos anyway ! Such a brilliant place for a swim!

Taken last week in the Phoenix Park during the Halloween break, this lone hawthorn on a hill had only its berries left, stormy skies overhead didnt prevent the many wanderers from tramping merrily through the park’s wide open spaces.